Electron spin resonance investigation of the interaction of the anion and glucose transport inhibitor, p-azidobenzylphlorizin, with the human red cell membrane.
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Abstract |
The membrane perturbations caused by the interaction of p-azidobenzylphlorizin (p-AzBPhz), a potential photoaffinity labeling agent of the anion and D-glucose transporters in the human erythrocyte, have been studied using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrometry. Two lipid-specific spin labels have been employed; one of these agents, a hexadecyl-quarternary amine with the nitroxide reporter group covalently attached to the cationic nitrogen, (CAT-16), has been used to monitor changes in the physical state of the membrane's extracellular phospholipid/water interface. The other spin label, 5-doxylstearic acid (5-NS), is designed to examine the order and motion of the lipid bilayer near the cell surface. In separate experiments, intact human red cells labeled with these lipid-specific spin labels were exposed to small amounts of the phlorizin azide. A dose-dependent alteration in CAT-16 motion was observed, but the p-AzBPhz interaction with the membrane had no effect on the spectrum of 5-NS. The half-maximal effect of the phlorizin derivative on the CAT-16 spectrum occurred when about 2 million molecules were bound to each cell. This is also the combined amount of band 3 and band 4.5 present in the red cell membrane and represents the concentration necessary to inhibit both anion and glucose transport. Our results suggest that the first p-AzBPhz molecules binding to the red cell membrane interact with the anion and sugar transporters, and not with the bulk lipid bilayer. |
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Biochimica et biophysica acta
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Biochim Biophys Acta
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